5 Tips To Lose Cellulite 1. A High Stress Can Cause Cellulite or worsen All these stressors have a direct impact on hormones . Stress produces cortisol , adrenaline and oxytocin , to name a few ....
You can turn off captions using the player's button below. We all know that life without access to clean water and toilets is tough for everybody, but the consequences of not having these...
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♪ music ♪ >>Narrator: Chronic diseases are universal. They impact entire communities and nations, and they cost millions of dollars in lost productivity and care. Populations in...
Part of the growing knowledge that we're finding about diabetes and the risk factors associated with diabetes is that ... is the direct correlation between erectile function and heart disease....
Hi, I'm doctor Savage. I'm here to describe to you how stress affects your health. Now stress can be a lot of different things. Stress from too much sunlight, stress from legal or...
My name's Dr. Allen Taylor And i'm the Chief of Cardiology at Medstar Georgetown University Hospital My interests here include the general care of all heart patients, cardiovascular...
before you're gonna have open-heart surgery, before you can have a stent if you've had a heart attack there is an option you don't need to have another surgery you need to have...