My name's Dr. Allen Taylor And i'm the Chief of Cardiology at Medstar Georgetown University Hospital My interests here include the general care of all heart patients, cardiovascular...
In health news, Australian researchers find that maternal smoking during pregnancy leads to higher risks of heart disease in children. Dr. David Celermajer, of the Heart Research Institute at the...
Les Biesecker: Thank you very much for having me. Thank you for the nice introductions. And for those of you who are here to see me the second time, thank you for your patience. As a few of you may...
Who gets heart attacks? And, in general you would think an elderly, overweight male who smokes, that suffers a heart attack, and collapses and dies. But, in actuality, any man, especially over the age...
VO: Brandon Fornwalt was one of 14 exceptional junior scientists in the nation to receive the NIH Director's Early Independence Award, totaling 1.9 million dollars over five years. Here he...
I am at the Gladstone Institutes, and we are a disease-focused basic science institute, so we focus on three major diseases-- diseases of the heart, of the brain, and viral diseases. And in each of...
While we ultimately want to build whole parts of the heart, The more immediate goal that's more-- is reachable not in five to ten years, but maybe in the more near future, is to be able to...
At this time, what I'd like to do is to really bring this home to you and illustrate why we're doing all the things that we're doing to understand the problem of heart disease...
[ Silence ] >> So the South Asian Heart Center is the first non-profit response to the epidemic of heart disease in the South Asian community. South Asian's are at four times the...
>>> José L. Zamorano, MD: The heart is receiving the blood, and the heart itself has different chambers inside, so we have the atrium, this is the upper part, the upper chambers....