Hi there welcome to session 4 we will be taking all about carbs today which makes people a little nervous because a lot of people don't associate weight loss and carbohydrates too favourably....
paleo diet menu You need a resource like the paleo recipe book. This brand new cookbook gives you gorgeous photos, convenient tips and tons of easy paeo recipes. It’s design to be easy to follow and...
Kevin Ahern: Should we just call off class today? What do you think? Student: Yeah! Kevin Ahern: And then go twice as fast on Monday? [laughter] Until we get to Monday, right? I'm going to get...
Ahern: How's everybody doing? Student: Amazing. Ahern: Amazing. Everybody's doing amazing. You're speaking of everybody here, alright. Okay, so we're not too far from...
glycemic index table of th principal foods: this is a way to control the carbohydrates. it is not a way to apply a restrictive glucid diet but rather to give the preference to carbohydrates with weak...
So when we name organic molecules, the core of what we think about is just how many carbons form the chain or form the ring that we're looking at? So let's say I have something like...