Begin seated with the legs extended in front of you. Allow the left toes to roll outward, opening up the hip, then bend the knee and pull the left heel towards the pelvis. Grab the ankle to draw the...
Hi I’m Adrienne and this is Yoga Basics. Setting a Strong Foundation with Tadasana. Let's begin at your base. Stand with feet parallel, toes pointing forward. Experiment with the placement of...
Let's begin by coming to hands and knees in Table Top Position with the hands below the shoulders and knees directly below the hips. Walk the hands one palms distance forward and spread the...
hi i'm making novak and i'm really excited to you might guess chris jericho takes an interest i'm so excited right now but i feel like inflicting pain and they can lead to show...
Hey, Blue. What you got there? What you bringing us? This is perfect for the yoga show. It says love. Hello everyone. Welcome to Yoga with Adriene. I'm Adriene, and this is Blue. Today...
Hi, my name is Leta Koontz and I'm a Yoga teacher at Schoolhouse Yoga located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and I'm here today on behalf of Expert Village, to show you, to demonstrate,...
Hi, my name is Chell Garcia-Trias, and I'm a modern dance instructor in Austin, Texas. I'm going to show you the child's pose, which is also common in yoga. In modern dance we...
Hi, I'm April Kirkhart, with Work of Heart Yoga, and today, I'm going to be teaching you a sequence on prenatal yoga, for women in their first trimester. It's very important to...
Part of any Vinyasa Flow practice is Downward Dog and if you've never practice yoga, you've probably seen this before. In Sanskrit, it's Adho Mukha Svanasana. And easy way to...