Hi I'm Laura Martini downward facing dog is one of the most commonly taught yoga postures in the yoga world today I'm going to teach you how to go deeper in this posture start by...
So this next pose, Downward Facing Dog, is a great stretch for the backs of your legs but you want to be mindful that you keep your chest open and your shoulder blades on your back. You can start on...
We're going to transition into downward facing dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana, coming from up dog, or cobra. The inhale is going to turn her toes under, and the exhale is going to lift her hips up...
In this clip, we're going to talk about Adho Mukha Svanasana. It's a really fancy word for downward facing dog, one of the most popular yoga poses in class. Amy, here, already is...
Hi. I'm Theresa Murphy with Expert Village and in this clip I'm going to recap some of the information we gave before about how health in the wrist is related to the entire length of...
Next we'll be moving from our lunge back up to a standing position. Let's go ahead and find our lunge. Again, our ankle and our knee are aligned with each other, coming back up to that...
We're starting to move into the center portion, the middle portion of our sun salutations. So starting from the beginning again, we've inhaled up, diving forward, inhale, and stepping...
Alright, so what we've learned so far is the cascade pattern of juggling, the reverse cascade, or outside juggling. What we're going to learn now is probably one of the hardest...
Hi, my name is Chell Garcia-Trias, and I'm a modern dance instructor in Austin, Teaxs. I'm going to show you the dead man's pose, which is a pose that people do in yoga, but we...
Upward Dog being the sister to the Downward Dog is going to incorporate spinal flexion and strengthen the core and really open up the chest and the shoulders. Coming down with your elbows right...