Greetings fellow nerds. Back in December of 2009 I showed how to make green glow in the dark powder and I said i would keep working on it. That research has been ongoing but recently I've been...
bjbjBrBr Jan: All right, we're making roux. And we've got this one all the way to the start of the chocolate roux stages. Think of a really rich, thick hot chocolate. See where we are?...
bjbjBrBr Jan: All right. I present to you the brick roux. [laughs] I've been making roux, which is equal parts fat and flour, and it's used as a flavoring and thickening agent in soups...
bjbjBrBr A(d+ Jan: All right, here we go. Love this! This is a dark chocolate roux, exactly what it looks like. It's starting to get the color of a dark chocolate. Now, we're almost...
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. As I discussed in a previous episode, it’s really not the end of world, and nothing bad will happen if, on occasion, you sleep with...
Many skincare products and procedures should be avoided in people with darker, ethnic skin tones such as, Hispanics, Asians, African Americans and people from India, because of the greater risk of...
העלא און באַגריסן צו טאַד ס קיך. א בשעת צוריק איך געמאכט קאַמפּאַונד שאָקאָלאַד. איצט איך טאָן ניט טאַקע וויסן ווער עס יז ווער האט ניט געפרוווט שאָקאָלאַד עס איז אַזוי געשמאַק אבער אלץ זינט איך...