Healthy and simply beautiful

A new item that I have been using on my skin um it's basically like a rose hydrosol. At first when I got it I got it at a local health food store. I thought it was pink like I thought the...
bjbjBrBr Jan: All right, we're making roux. And we've got this one all the way to the start of the chocolate roux stages. Think of a really rich, thick hot chocolate. See where we are?...
Hi! This is Ginny with Simply Beautiful Crafts on behalf of Expert Village and today we are going to tackle a wreath that is one of my favorite subjects camping. This wreath is going to hang inside of...
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. Many people have heard about new treatments to make eyelashes fuller, longer, thicker and even darker. But what can you do if its...
Hello, I'm Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] And welcome to DermTV. In many DermTV episodes, when I talk about different claims or allegations, whether about medical ingredients, products, procedures...
In the spectrum of 21st century skincare, eye creams are a necessity, not a luxury. Stay tuned and I’ll tell you why. Hello, I'm Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] And welcome to DermTV. I just said...
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Luis Singing - Welcome, today I'll show you how to improvise a dish ... fast ... nutritious ... and elegant. -Ok, we have arabian "pitas" bread mozzarella cheese... grab this...