I grew up in a household hearing racial slurs, where my mom would correct my father and say, "we don't, that's, that's not a nice thing to say, you know, about those...
Hurry up, Oliver! Shizuku, wait for me~! We're almost at Goronel Kingdom!! Wha What should we do!? Run of course! Come on Oliver! huh? Wa Wait for me!! This is... Ni no Kuni... That's...
Cottage Pie Perfection is a lot of little things done well. You can't just throw everything in a pan and expect it to be delicious. The secret to simple classics like cottage pie or...
העלא און באַגריסן צו טאַד ס קיך. א בשעת צוריק איך געמאכט קאַמפּאַונד שאָקאָלאַד. איצט איך טאָן ניט טאַקע וויסן ווער עס יז ווער האט ניט געפרוווט שאָקאָלאַד עס איז אַזוי געשמאַק אבער אלץ זינט איך...
HQ this is Blue One, nothing new or unusual to report, how copy? Over. Copy Blue One nothing new, continue onto point 1156. Listen HQ I've got better things to do, I need to prepare for...



Mr. Carney: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for being here today for your daily briefing. As you can see, I have a couple of guests with me today -- the President's National...
TANYA STEEL: Mrs. Obama, what an honor and a privilege it is to be here. Thank you so much for having us back again. Music JOHN: I'm going to the White House. Laughing NICOLE: It's a...