Aþýk olmuþum dünyaya düþmüþüm Kuþ olmuþum hep sevdaya uçmuþum Yaþým baþým almýþým sevmiþim evlenmiþim Daha baba olmadan babamý yitirmiþim Acý çekmek kolaymýþ alýþmýþým Gerçekmiþim göz görmüþ söz...



matthew crime bach uh... is that a fascinating young students at el se university acknowledging the passing the risk the actually is that best record on crime uh... out all the worst these amount is...
העלא און באַגריסן צו טאַד ס קיך. א בשעת צוריק איך געמאכט קאַמפּאַונד שאָקאָלאַד. איצט איך טאָן ניט טאַקע וויסן ווער עס יז ווער האט ניט געפרוווט שאָקאָלאַד עס איז אַזוי געשמאַק אבער אלץ זינט איך...
>> Mr. Carney: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you had a fine weekend. Before I take your questions, I have a couple of things to announce. First, tomorrow, Maria Shriver...
Mr. Carney: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for being here. Thank you for your patience. Before I take your questions, I have some exciting news at the top. Some of you may have noticed...
Mr. Carney: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for being here. Happy Friday. There is no clearer path, as you know, to middle-class opportunity and success than higher education. And many...
now back in 1976 a of course the restarted the death penalty regime and the in florida they've but taking advantage of that to do a significant number of executions 84 to be exact and...
The Vice President: Hey, everyone, how are you? Welcome to the White House. (applause) And happy St. Patrick's Day Week. In 1963, President Kennedy addressed the Irish Parliament and he said,...