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Hi I'm Chika, Chileshe, Chim, Elizabeth and I'm Evans And we are here to invite you to join us as we say Come experience what makes Zambia, Zambia, by Zambians. And why would you ever...
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Hey, this video? Yeah. Oh. Hi guys. Ee? I said video not photograph. We are going to Besparmak mountain. Er, it's going to be interesting, funny, and er Focus! Yeah yeah yeah. Uh, so, exactly....
We were. We are. We will be. Why this commemoration? [ARTUR MAS] In 1714 our institutions and liberties were taken away. What could not be taken from us was our will to be and our spirit, and it is...
We're catalans, tolerants and peaceful people. in all time we reject the violence. But we must be united if want to save the ship and this ship carries the name of INDEPENDENCE! The road will...
This is, this is Hubble's original data from 1929 And this is one of the reasons he was such a great scientist cause he knew to draw a straight line through this dataset which itself is...
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Throughout 2011, the world was flooded with civil unrest from "the indignants" or "los indignados." "The indignants" were infuriated persons...