ID3 !vTIT2 Track 14TALB more beatsMCDI ¨ E + 9 6 + 3 9 D 5 + 8 6 6 F + B E 5 9 + 1 0 4 5 C + 1 4 1 D 2 + 1 8 9 0 5 + 1 D 2 D C + 2 0 3 5 D + 2 5 B 3 1 + 2 C 1 1 6 + 2 F D 2 D + 3 3 7 2 6 + 3 8 F E 0...
Welcome to this third part of the iBioSeminar on rafts in cell membranes. I'm Satyajit Mayor from the National Centre for Biological Sciences, working in close collaboration with my physicist...
Welcome to the second part of the iBioSeminar. This is titled, "Looking for functional rafts in cell membranes." And I'm, as you can see, Satyajit Mayor, from the National...
In the last talk, we discussed some of the problems confronting development of new tools to prevent and to treat tuberculosis. In this next segment, I really want to focus on the problem of antibiotic...
Hello. My name is John McKinney. I'm a professor with the Global Health Institute School of Life Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at EPFL in Lausanne. Today I'm...
Hi, my name is Norma Andrews. I'm a professor at Yale University, and what I'm going to do in this third part of my lecture is to talk to you about insights that we have obtained in my...
So my name is Norma Andrews, I'm a professor at Yale University. And what I'm going to be doing in the first segment of my lecture is to give an introduction on this parasite,...
Hi, my name is Joseph Derisi and I am an associate professor in the department of biochemistry, biophysics, and a Howard Hughes Investigator at the University of California, San Francisco. The subject...



Hello. My name is Stan Falkow. I am a professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine. I want to talk to you today about the subject of how we study...
Para fazer um pedido de Comut é simples, basta clicar no logo do 3S.... Logar-se com o nº da identidade estudantil no sistema Na tela inicial, é possível acompanhar todos tipos de pedidos já feitos...

