A sand full of fist and dirt Like something old I once knew Collapsing in the corner baby It seemed the thing to do Now I'm running out of time Alive I am, I think so Tell me what to do Chorus: Not...



Now please believe in me If I offer change of scenery The necklace that I gave last Spring Hangs up above I squeeze across a crowded room I met you there one afternoon Now years have past a crescent...



The perfect cut The perfect shirt Snakeskin boots with no one To show to Too much cologne he leaves his home and on his hip he wears a phone to call you What's your name and what's your sign? He...



ID3 !vTIT2 Track 14TALB more beatsMCDI ¨ E + 9 6 + 3 9 D 5 + 8 6 6 F + B E 5 9 + 1 0 4 5 C + 1 4 1 D 2 + 1 8 9 0 5 + 1 D 2 D C + 2 0 3 5 D + 2 5 B 3 1 + 2 C 1 1 6 + 2 F D 2 D + 3 3 7 2 6 + 3 8 F E 0...
D332 wwwwwv wwwwwwm wwwwwv D332 D332 D332 D332 D332 D332 D332 D332 D332 D332 D332 D332 D332 D2"" `"\7!k) X4|-c t`TF @",2 D332 c{XX HBbp DjAZ IehCV...
JFIF $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz |&V{a eoO> *VX~i Ha;ndU "Atb ,<Cg...
2011年6月22日。 ツインリンクもてぎ南コースで、 Hondaコレクションホールが収蔵する車両の 走行確認テストが行なわれた。 RC181は1966年と1967年の2シーズンを、 ロードレース世界選手権の最高峰500ccクラスで戦ったマシン。 最高出力は85馬力/12000rpm。 当時としては最強のスペックを誇り、 ライダーが乗りこなすのに苦労したと言われる。...
Hi Guys, for those of you who know me And those who don't my name is Ulises Leonce You can call me TaTa Leonce, Godfather, or just Ulises I've been getting a lot of request for videos...
Zouk Dance Course With this course I want you to teach how to Zouk Zouk is couple dance So, don't hesitate to stay close to you partner Step one: Zouk Cannelle (Cinnamon or Sweet Zouk) Very...
There are a lot of people in this community who don’t know their rights and don’t speak Spanish. I could help them with that. THE TIME LEFT. HUMAN RIGHTS AND FINE LIVING. El Tiempo que Resta is a...