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>>Theresa Bierer: Another undergraduate who will soon be pursuing her PhD, is Lana Christensen. In addition to spending many hours in the lab here in the Wettaw Building, she is also a...
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Arriving in Gorontola by TravelPod member toltmanns Arriving at Gorontola harbour by TravelPod member toltmanns Riding with Becak to bus terminal by TravelPod member toltmanns Waiting to check out a...



The Octopus I accidentally ordered by TravelPod member prospero Our hotel by TravelPod member prospero Our wacky, hastily-constructed hotel by TravelPod member prospero The hotel that has character by...




INTERVIEWER: Do your arms hurt from doing this? MRS LUNG: Of course it's painful! INTERVIEWER: Can you get arthritis from doing all these hard work? MRS LUNG: You'll get arthritis from...



Boarding in La Paz by TravelPod member bencameron Grass runway in Rurren by TravelPod member bencameron Jeep ride by TravelPod member bencameron Passing some cows by TravelPod member bencameron Then...

