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About your work in China, what do you do in China? In China I work in Inspection, an inspection company... I do my practicum there and I've been there for six months already After you do your...
I think I must have been asked this once. Before I was born, by someone, somewhere. Choose one: The past or the future. And I will allow you to see it. Which will it be? Which will it be? And then I...
Hi my name is Carly Rae Jepsen and I am in New York City for Burt's Bees launch of the brand güd. I was very excited to be a part of this partnership mostly because I love the slogan...
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[ SUBTITLES BY: www.cHaStErS®Us ] RUFFA: Charice! You're all grown up and lady-like already. RUFFA: You looked like Mariah Carey! AI: Like a foreigner. RUFFA: Yeah. Before you looked nothing...

