My work is based on thinking of past and present and somehow the juxtaposition of past and present concerns. I've been photographing portrait paintings in different art museums for about 20...
Extended child to me is both an active pose and a deeply relaxing and resting pose. So in extended child we are just melting the belly so that it rests upon the thighs, drawing the forehead to the...
Hello mysterious person watching this fabulous screen, My name is Alex Beadon and you are watching Chatty Tuesday, the best way to turn your creative passion into your life's work. We are my...
So, in this clip, what we're going to do, is Katie and I are going to show you how to do, Supta Virasana, or a variation of Hero Pose, and a back bend. It feels really wonderful for women who...
In this clip, we're going to be showing Katie how to go through a Cat Cow Vinyasa. This is a way to open up the spine, open up the hips, open up the shoulders, and so I'll be coaching...
I'm Linda Black, we're continuing with the joint stabilization mobilization sequence. We ended up in our powerful pose, seated back bend. We're going to do something for the...
what we do is we bring children's yoga instruction to kids, and we're all about developing the social, emotional and physical well-being of kids, so that they can grow into health...
Done when the block and thus, we ended up in Downward Facing Dog. So we'll start there again, left leg is going to extend towards the back wall. As you lift, exhale, create a nice line of...