Contemporary photorgraphy

My name is Victoria Lynn, I'm the curator of "Restless: The Adelaide International 2012" which is an Adelaide Festival Exhibition. The exhibition includes the work of 18...
well enough thank you polygraph galactic if they think about heavyweight any handle dat all of that recorded yours but the work vicky que where soltahr oc they're pretty cool buddy he exp how...
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I'm Ernest Nussbaum and I designed the instrument that's now called the Practicello. Every cellist, or just about, sooner or later wishes there were something a little more easily...
We have been in existence for 25 years; started in Toronto. We're in Toronto, Canada, right now, but we're global. We've expanded into being global. We have a ton of European...
Kathleen Dahl: Bover was founded in 1996, in Barcelona, Spain, in the outskirts of the city in a town called Cardedeo. It's beautiful. All of this was kind of inspired by Joana Bover,...
[MUSIC PLAYING] My name is CJ Tyson. I'm originally from Virginia Beach, Virginia. I started dancing at the age of 17 back in Virginia Beach with Denise Walls' Dance Energy. Hey,...