Yoga alliance certification

Hi, happy spring. Today we're going to look at ways that you can make the transition from winter to spring smoother for your body. Spring is the time for new life, new growth, new ideas,...
So this next movement is simply rolling the spine forward and down. So it is sort of bringing the element of water into the spine and into the body and if you imagine all of the blood and water that...
The next part of the Vinyasa Flow series that I've been building on is Artautanasana which is arching up from forward bend. So what you'll do is start with Mountain Pose which I did go...
This next pose is royal pigeon and it will be demonstrated both as royal pigeon and resting pigeon. So hands planted on the Earth, we are bringing the right knee as it is bent forward. We are planting...
So, it's important to warm-up before doing bridge pose, especially for the safety of our back. So, we start by just resting the palms of the hands on the earth, and then feet are hip length...
So lots of us want to strengthen the core of our bodies and strengthen our abs so what I like to do to help protect my back is sit on to my hands. I lift the legs up to the sky and I'm going...
Part of any Vinyasa Flow practice is Downward Dog and if you've never practice yoga, you've probably seen this before. In Sanskrit, it's Adho Mukha Svanasana. And easy way to...
And from here, we can come back into Downward Dog, walking the Dog, walking the Dog, breathe and breathe and breathe. Strengthening the arms and the legs and then coming down into our knees and...
This is Dancer Pose. Dancer creates steadiness, balance, focus and poise. Do your best. So we start with Mountain Pose as always, plant the feet, lift the ankles energetically, engage the abs, align...