Yoga alliance certification

Wind relieving pose is wonderful for the digestive system. It also gives a little massage to the abdominal organs and gives a massage to the kidneys as well giving a nice stretch to the lower back,...
Hi. I'm Theresa Murphy with Expert Village and in this clip I'm going to recap some of the information we gave before about how health in the wrist is related to the entire length of...
A nice way to re-group at the end of the day, it's a very soothing position is Supported Child's Pose. So you can take a bolster, you can take couch cushions, whichever you have. I...
Yoga is an ancient practice which began and was developed in India over five thousand years ago. Yoga is derived from an ancient Sanskrit word spelled y-a-j, which means to yoke. To yoke is synonymous...
In any yoga practice, you can build internal heat and start to get slightly overheated just like any workout. So it's important to know how to do cooling breath to keep yourself centered and...
A great way to find focus and centering for your yoga practice is to set an intention. You may have been in a class before and you heard teacher say, "Let's set an intention for our...
This next pose is knees to chest. People sometimes ask how can I relieve the tension or pain in my back, and this is a wonderful way to do that. So I'm just rolling gently onto the back and...
This is Extended Side Angle in the other direction. Again, let's begin in Warrior II. Nice segue into Extended Side Angle. Bend that left arm, draw the forearm to the left thigh, reach the...
O.k. This is standing lunge, the other side with our left leg going back. So starting in downward dog as an option. It's a nice transition into standing lunge. Remember, we're...
O.k. now we're going to do bridge but we're going to use our block. We can also use a couple of folded blankets maybe even two to three blankets if we don't have a block to...