Hey, I'm Layla and I'm going to talk to you about how to do cardio exercises for slimmer thighs. The best cardio exercise for anything targeting the legs is running, any kind of...
Hey, I'm Layla and I'm going to show you how to do the toe squat. In your toe squat you're going to start out with your feet together and we're going to sit down in a...
Hey, I'm Layla, and I'm going to show you a Kneeling Roundhouse Kick. You're going to start off kneeling down on your mat. Make sure when you're kneeling, your...
Hey, I'm Layla, and I'm going to show you how to do the Seated Split Stretch. We're going to start off with one leg straight, all the way out. Then, you're going to...
Hi. My name is Heather. Most of my life, I was in good shape, but during the pregnancy with my 1st child, something chanced in my body and I began to accumulate weight, and I gained more than 90...
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Purpose, to firm and tone your stomach and strengthen your core. Engage your core by contracting your glutes and contracting your abs. Keep your legs as straight as possible because this will involve...
Hi, my name is Sarah O'Neil and I'm a personal trainer and nutritionist. Welcome to my series, Bridal Boot Camp, on My Wedding Scrapbook. Over the next eight weeks I'm going to...
>>these are just some of the comments made recently in the press regarding Buttock Augmentation. I really, really like Buttock Augmentation. >>While it is becoming a hot...
Is it bad to exercise at night? Why would you get that idea? Well, for a woman, I understand the danger of jogging at night. I’ve heard it is bad for you, even when the environment is safe. Going for...
How do bodybuilders have such a small waist? You’d thin that guys who work out would have thicker ones. Part of it is weight loss and minimal body fat. They don’t have the extra layers that make...