john corn yesterday we told you i i came out and said local will repeal the whole uh... though let me know some parts of it but i guess we agree with another not objectionable for example are covering...
Hi I'm Kerri from Zebra in Berkley and I'm here to tell you how long it takes to gauge your ears. When gauging your ears you really have to go slow. There is nothing that I can tell...
Hi I'm Kerri from Zebra and Berkley and I'm here to tell you how to repair your ear lobe. Ear lobe repair is necessary for a few different reasons. Sometimes it is intentional and...
Hi I'm Kerri at Zebra in Berkley and I'm here to help you select a gauge size for your ear piercing. When going to a piercing shop and trying to choose what gauge size is right for you...
Alright now I am going to cut a couple of ears out of this. And so this is not really tricky but it is just a little detailed. I'm going to fold, I mean it's already folded from the...
Ear tubes are usually something made of plastic that create an equalization of pressure between the outer ear and the middle ear. That’s what our station tube does. It replaces the air that has...



Greetings. My name is Ian Bargo and I'm with and today I'm going to be showing you about some techniques that you can use while preparing your lead vocal track...
If you don’t want to go it alone in looking for a home, using a broker can have big benefits. I’m Ilyce Glink with today’s Real Estate Minute. A good broker should be your eyes and ears, prescreening...
HobbyMom: Hi Hobby Kids, I'm Hobby Mom and we're going to open up the Play Doh Doctor Drill 'N Fill. Let's put our patient together. It comes with a drill, a tooth...