My name's Abbi Sunner I'm from Ankeny, Iowa, and I'm a Trimester 7 student. I am concurrently in getting my D.C. degree and master's program. I started the...
Should you do dead lifts and squats on the same day? The dead lift and squats are rivals for the top body building exercises. Managing to do both in one day is a measure of pride. Just because you can...
Split Leg Front to Back Weight Shift. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. You can lift your arms out to the side, leave them down at your side or place them on your...
This exercise is called Sandbag Bear Hug Jump Squats. It targets the leg muscles. Start out by standing with your feet about shoulder width apart and your toes pointed slightly outward, holding the...
Okay in tennis, once again, strength training is incredibly important. If you look at all the top players today; men and women, a significant part of their training is weight lifting and fitness...
How deep do bodybuilders squat? I’ve heard guys say everything from nothing at all to as low as you can go. Squatting is actually good for your knees. They found that cultures that squat to eat and...
This is Daniel Masters from Masters Personal Training and today I'm going to be discussing the safest and most effective way of performing the squat technique to you. Whenever you do a squat...
Hi there, this is Chris Knight from I'm going to show you today how to do squats on the BoSu ball. Now there's a few different variations and we're just gonna...