now for the setting of the device, after we get the prescription from the doctor what's the best level of pressure we need to use for the patient, we will set it I don't recommend that...



Open utube n land on ur Video Manager now if u have this CC Logo This means it has Closed Caption Machine Generated by utube This guy(video) the CC is on(RED) This means that the Captions are on can...
Hey guys, Kiera here, now today is actually a quite serious video. I've been struggling a lot with doing this, because it just won't upload, so this is about the fourth time...
This is Steve. Steve's the IT Administrator for this company. Steve is ready to lead his company to a virtualized environment. He knows virtualization will save his company money and allow him...
Department of Defense and other government agencies required documents to be prepared with stringent formatting requirements often times document authors don't have the tools to format...
The foundation of text in Word 2013 is simple: just click where you want your text, and type. You can use the space bar on your keyboard to add spaces... and if you want to start a new line, just...
In this demo, I'm going to run through the new facilities introduced in XJDeveloper release 2.6 onwards. I'm going to do that by working through the "Categorise...
If you're like me, you want to spend every waking moment on the water. So you got to have the right clothing regardless the weather conditions. Today's latest fishing outerwear...



now looking at the other side of our toolbars the right side instead of the dots who gets a little arrow down on all three that we have showing, our find, our formatting, and our standard...



Welcome back to the Accounting and Business School of the Rockies QuickBook Tips Video Blog. On our previous session we discussed a common error that new users of QuickBooks make when paying a bill...