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leon panetta and the defense secretary has lifted a ban on women fighting in the front lines so this means that as long as they qualifying undergo physical tests women in the military will be able to...
how to increase breast size naturally you can increase your breast size to cuts completely naturally without expensive painful surgery plastic surgeons have been hiding these amazing breast...
Well... They didn't show up... again. I mean, It's only like the fifth time this has happened. I guess I can just play with you, right? I mean I'm pretty good. I win EVERY...
Luv Unplugged. Hello! Whats up...what are you doing? Thinking what should be done to make Reddy the next CM of AP. You can do that later... are you done with your dinner? No. Can you tell me some...
Hi guys, I am currently living in Europe and we are experiencing an Indian Summer here. The rain shower had passed and I was riding my bicycle on the still damp road. It was sunny, mild and the clouds...
Have you heard about the girl effect? When a girl is empowered she goes on to lift up everyone around her and that's what the because I'm a girl movement is all about. Harnessing the...