Stevie will I put the wee light on. will i? there's a wee light there for you pet. Who you doing, happy Christmas. Watch that big light there. Just you do your stuff will you? ok. Happy...



POÉSIE IRLANDAISE, INIS MÓR, ÎLES D'ARAN Super. Merci infiniment. C'est vraiment très intéressant d'écouter une langue que l'on ne comprend pas parce qu'on...



CHANTEUSE TRADITIONNELLE, INIS MOR, ÎLES D'ARAN Oh, elle a quelques centaines d'années, comme la majorité des chansons d'amour irlandaises. Et la plupart furent composées par...



My name is Katrine Jensen I am 15 years old. I have played Hockey Sport for 3 years I think and I have muscular dystrophy I am not that strong and I cannot walk very far. I'm not abel to stand...



Today I'm resettled from that building I've built with my hands, from the flat where we, refugees settled. There are orders, fake orders which they came up with and resettled us with...



Yuryj - Feel free to D - Speak my mind Yuryj - Speak your mind D - Ok well I was 9 years old and I was on the street, when I was 10 or 11 I was being pimped Yuryj - Ok D - I got picked up my a pimp I...
Konnichiwa, bitches. Okay, time for video number 2 for me. Um..I was gonna tell you about Japanese food. So far, I've liked about half the things I've tried. And half of it was really...
I can't recommend this gentleman anymore with words. He's an honest person. What he tells you is what he is going to do. Fred is definitely a very professional real estate agent....
So you are... Joseph O'Donnell, and this is my brother, Charles and we are descended of Edward Edgar O'Donnell who was a son of Peter Anthony O'Donnell who was the son of...