Part of any Vinyasa Flow practice is Downward Dog and if you've never practice yoga, you've probably seen this before. In Sanskrit, it's Adho Mukha Svanasana. And easy way to...
Ajanayasa is a version of your high lunge. So, we'll use an inhale to step your right foot back. Finding out what your lunge looks like here, presenting the right foot into the asana. So take...
Hi I'm Laura Martini downward facing dog is one of the most commonly taught yoga postures in the yoga world today I'm going to teach you how to go deeper in this posture start by...
So this next pose, Downward Facing Dog, is a great stretch for the backs of your legs but you want to be mindful that you keep your chest open and your shoulder blades on your back. You can start on...
We're going to transition into downward facing dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana, coming from up dog, or cobra. The inhale is going to turn her toes under, and the exhale is going to lift her hips up...
In this clip, we're going to talk about Adho Mukha Svanasana. It's a really fancy word for downward facing dog, one of the most popular yoga poses in class. Amy, here, already is...
In this pose Gina and Rissa are going to help me demonstrate a combined pose where Gina is going to come into down dog. And Rissa is going to come into fish pose across her back and get a really good...
Final meditation. So go ahead and bring one hand over your dogs heart and the other hand over your own heart. Again breathing deeply and slowly. Listen to the sound of your breath and fill in the...
Side stretch. So now that your dog is nice and relaxed from the doggy massage we are going to use your dog to help stretch your body. So go ahead and turn so your hips are along side to your dog. If...
Coming from the all fours position we're going to go ahead and roll the toes under and lift the hips skyward in to Downward Facing Dog. Continually staying mindful of the breath, throughout...