Gina and I are going to strengthen our abdominal muscles by using the Navasana, Boat Pose. So we're going to face each other. Now we're going to bend our knees and place our toes...
The locust pose is a really great way to lengthen our, your spine. So many of us today have low back issues and this is a really great way to lengthen through the sacrum, through the lumbar spine and...
Mukarasana Crocodile is the second most relaxing pose second only to Shavasan, the corpse pose for relaxation. I am going to ask Willie to lay down on his belly. He is going to put one hand on top of...
Hi there, my name is Heath Barrow and welcome to Younger You Fitness. I'm very glad that you're visiting my site today. If you're on this website chances are you're in...



HI, I'm Benjy with Pinnacle Promotions and this is the Yoga/Workout Towel. This custom yoga towel ismade of super absorbant 200 gram microfiber. It's fast drying and it fits on top of...
Another great way to practice tree pose with a partner is to go in opposing directions. So I'm going to ask Gina to turn around and we're coming into tree hugger, so we're...
Budokon is an integrated living arts system which combines the flexibility and grace of Yoga the agility, power and fluidity of Martial Arts and the emotional and mental balance of Meditation. My name...
Hi, I'm toronto Realtor Charles Duncan Waterman, today I am excited to introduce you to a good follow realtor friend of mine, Selena Pollard who has an amazing listing right here at 88 Park...