Things i cooked

Dongho-kun was saying it was "an irritable taste" Yes, "an irritable taste," it's understandable. Okay, continuing with U-KISS' new project, the...
How to Make Your Own Frozen Dinners. Creating your own TV dinners is easy and economical. These guidelines will help you get started. You will need Freezable foods Reheatable plates Sauce, gravy, oil,...
So right now we have a nice hot fire with a lot of coals. Not really a tall fire, but we have just what we need to cook on. Even getting it down a little bit lower and having a little bit less flame...
There are many ways to cook our fish. We could just lay it in the coals. We can take a couple sticks, lay them over the coals, and put our fish right over, so that it's not totally burning on...
So we're at about three and a half hours in the cooking process on the ribs. Things are going along really well. Now is the time when you brush some great barbeque sauce on it and really...
I'm going to show you how to make Tamagoyaki. Tamagoyaki is really different than the French style omelet because it's using, we're using the square omelet pan instead of that...