competitors, it's actually the team player that often takes one for the team when attacked To maintain its defense (or at least attempt to do so), McDonald's likes to highlight its...
Make yourself patriot. Imagine you are a president of a powerful country. The country is in permanent conflict with another powerful country. In any moment the conflict can turn both countries in to a...



mcdonnell's can make profit and still pay 15 hours in fifteen dollars an hour excuse me while the average one dollar ploy the United States only make seven dollars and twenty five cents a min...
pieces and welcome one and a sunday stories com i can't white eli saw this i was pretty excited about junk food review uh... i guess you call it read review fast-food review mcdonald's...
and we're back on the PowerShell are in the first we briefly talked with quite a bit and we've covered the story quite a bit arm about raising the minimum wage and the fact that a lot...
Olá meus amigos! Você está assistindo Real Russia. A câmera está com o Serguei Pitchuguim. Oi! E o microfone comigo, Serguei Baclicov. Nós ainda estamos fazendo nossa série sobre Moscou depois da...
Hallo allemaal, en welkom bij een nieuwe aflevering van SUPERLEGO! Ik heb deze keer niet iets over LEGO zelf, maar iets over de McDonald's. Ja, dat is wel lekker natuurlijk! Maar nu is het nog...
E lui vi riporterā nel passato, con giochi merdosi che fanno schifo al cazzo! Preferirebbe che un bufalo gli cagasse diarrea nell'orecchio! Preferirebbe mangiare il marcio buco del culo di...
Hmm. Hmm hmm-hmm. Okay, dus, em. Dit is vanochtend bezorgd. Er staan van die- dingen op. Oooh, mysterieus. Wel, laten we eens zien wat er in zit. Okay, ik denk dat ik maar stop met dit gedoe... ...en...
Hi everyone, welcome to Nicko's Kitchen's Fast Food Friday. And today we will be making a Big Mac Wrap. And I'm going to show you how you can do it at home. So, lets get...