In this pose Gina and I are going to revolve our triangle into the revolved triangle pose. So the triangle represents the connection to the ground as well as your connection to the universe so...
There's many different ways to come into Warrior II, A Standing Shrink Pose. In this particular clip we are going to do this with our heels together. So we're going to bring, or sides...
Down dog is really a great way to lengthen out through your spine. Gina is going to love this because I'm going to give her an assisted down dog. So Gina is going to come on down to her hands...
Assisted Ustrasana or camel pose is a really good pose to come into with your partner, especially if you have a really flexible back. We're going to ask Rissa to come on down to her knees....
Garudasana or eagle pose is a really great way to ground in to the earth and then open your chest to get yourself ready to fly. Gina is going to help me do this pose. We are going to come back to back...
A great way to open up your hips and come into the rhythm of your breath is with Sufi circles. You can do this alone but it is really fun to do it with a partner. Again you start seated back to back...
In this pose Gina is going to come into sirsasana or head stand and I'm going to act as her wall of support so that she doesn't fall over. Not that she would. Okay, so Gina is just...
Another great variation for the tree pose that you can do with your partner is to do Hasta Padanghustasana where you take your hand to your big toe and extend your leg out to the side. Gina is going...
In this pose Gina is going to help me demonstrate coming in to Tadasana with a side twist. It is really good to twist, it realigns the spine and lengthens you up and makes you feel really great. We...
So Gina is going to help me demonstrate this pose and she is just going to turn towards the side standing in her mountain pose and she is just going to inhale and reach her arms up to the sky. Then...