bjbj King Kindness: and Mr. Socky is a... a bad influence. Leader: Mr. Socky? As in... an actual sock? King Kindness: Yes, he keeps telling me to kill people but I've been ignoring him. I...
This is My name is Joe Wiles with the Rock and Roll Conservatory and in this video we're looking at the Red Hot Chili Pepper's Under the Bridge. Well the cool...
Oi, Paris! O nome desta é ''Promises''. É melhor você acreditar acreditar no que eu digo É melhor você manter suas promessas Pois pode apostar que vai ter o que merece...
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Sat on a cliff wondering what did I miss I watched the waves come in, Roll in, roll out, without a single doubt Lone on the bluff, is there ever enough I stare into the air, somewhere out there, The...
You're watching My name is Joe Wiles with the Rock and Roll Conservatory and in this video we\'92re going to take a look at Wake Me Up When September Ends by...