This week was really tough. I worked a tremendous amount of hours and, = unfortunately, when that happens it's really hard for me to get my = training in. So I think I got two days, maybe...
Hi Barry it's David from the OnePotChefShow channel here now you challenged me to make a traditional English dessert known as a spotted dick I decided to give it a go and God do we get a lot...
Hey, everybody. Kristin Shaffer here. I'm coming up into week eight of = my ten-week journey to competition. If you haven't checked out the = previous two weeks, go ahead and do so...
Hey, everybody. Welcome to another episode of FABulously Fit Friday, and = today we're going to be talking about body fat percentage scales. Now, = hopefully you've seen these scales...
Hi, I'm Karen for Expert Village. Now we're going to start by whipping our egg whites. It's important to know when whipping your egg whites that egg whites should be at room...