Hi, my name is Chell Garcia-Trias, and I'm a modern dance instructor in Austin, Texas. I'm going to show you the child's pose, which is also common in yoga. In modern dance we...
Child posture is done with many, many postures of yoga as a conclusion of that posture and its different variations. Just come up on your hands and knees and you take your knees out to the sides of...



To release the back, the lower back in particular, the child posture is used by taking the knees out to the sides of the mat. Take them out to the sides of the mats, sit back towards your heels and...
A nice way to re-group at the end of the day, it's a very soothing position is Supported Child's Pose. So you can take a bolster, you can take couch cushions, whichever you have. I...
Now, we get to play like we’re a dog. If you have a dog, imagine how your dog stretches as they get up. Bring your hands down to your chair. Keep the arms straight and start walking your feet back....
Your partner is going to come onto their back. They are going to bring their knees up to their chest and you are going to bring your hand to their chin and you are just going to gently press their...
Another great relaxation pose to relieve tension in the spine is with elevated legs. Gina is going to demonstrate this without a wall at this point so she is just going to lay on these blankets. She...
So this is a really nice exercise to do; an exercise that you have to do with another person but it is a really nice exercise to do with another person. Monique who teaches a lot of work shops for...
I'm Julie Branum. Coming from utasana or standing forward fold, take a nice deep breath in and lengthen the chest up away from the thighs. Good on your exhale bring your arms along side the...
So, with our knees up, we're going to drop them down underneath the right elbow, and turn the head down along the extended arm. Now, we're going to take the bottom leg, and...