Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help. Please help....
[ Music: Bring Me To Life (Instrumental) by Evanescence ] [ Sound of chair creaking as Leila slowly rocks back and forth ] >> NARRATOR: This is Leila. Pityful, isn't it? Leila...



- Modest preemptive actions can obviate the need of more drastic actions at a later date. - You think that you've been taught things like confidence intervals in an elementary statistical...
what don't you ever just make dinner and not want to clean up don't judge me i'm not perfect damn right you're not perfect, eating that mcchicken vegan!? this is an...
I suffer abuse as a child The pain and abused child has remained with me ever since, trapped inside me A frighten child, trapped in an adults body. In pain and frustrated as i navigate a world that...
Greeting! I'm Cheryl-Lynn Alferos Encarnacion Antonio Salamanca, but you can call me "C L" I'm raising money for a cause that's really important to me. The...
It is foolish to think that we can hide anything from God because He knows even the intentions of our hearts, we cannot lie to Him. Jesus said that if you look at a woman to lust after her you have...
We're very excited about our upcoming Austrian Economics Research Conference which takes place here at our campus in Auburn, from March 20th through 22nd. We're especially honored to...
One beautiful sunny day, I'm driving down the street when this oblivious Emo girl, wearing headphones, staring at her phone, just totally immersed in this self absorbed bubble of electronic...