hello musicians my name is Andrew Mercer thank you for joining us this is going to be a very short tutorial on how to line up your tracks as you do multitrack recording in Audacity because sometimes...
Are you scared? Chilling Tales for Dark Nights. It's the same checklist every night: Did I turn off all the lights? Yes. Did I shut the garage? Yes. Did I lock the front door? The back door?...
As the mother of a two-year old who does not like to sit still, when we're in a restaurant, every 5 minutes counts. So here's what's in my restaurant survival bag, for my...
JAMES GRIME: There are people out there who want to change the way that you count. They want to change the world so that we stop counting using 10 symbols and start counting using 12 symbols. I love...
英文歌 (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)-羣星 I plant a flower, plant a tree Plant your hopes and plant your dreams And let them grow until… (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) I’ll take you somewhere that is near Seas of blue and fields of...
Hi Guys, I’m Solveig Walklings from Body Mind and Soul. I’m here at Shelly Beach, one of the Northern Beaches, most beautiful and it’s in Sydney Australia so do come and visit if you’ve got the...
Time is flying by on this busy, crowded planet as life changes and evolves from second to second. At the same time, the arc of the human lifespan is getting longer: 67 years is the global average, up...
BRADY HARAN: I want to deal with a number that must be the most requested so far on Numberphile, and that is 301. Now, for those of you who don't pay much attention to the YouTube view counters, you...
What do you think of the elliptical machine weight loss results you were promised? I haven't seen them yet. If you are on the elliptical, you should burn as many calories as running if you...