So let’s get started with some breathing and let's first find ourselves in our chair. We want to place our feet on the floor creating a nice firm foundation and we want to sit away from the...



So going into your sun salutation from mountain pose, with your inhalation, you're going to take a deep breath, arms come up, stepping the feet together if you like. Hands can touch at the...
Stand with your feet apart. Line up the outside of the feet with the outer edge of the mat. Let’s pause here for a brief moment and bring our focus back to the chest. Is it open? Is it comfortable?...
Moving into a supine, which means lying down spinal twist. So, let's bring our arms out to the sides making a "T" with our arms about shoulder level. Taking a nice deep...
Crescent Moon is a very beautiful nice, low lunge and in prenatal yoga we've got a really nice modification for it. So we're going to have Emily first come into a high lunge. So...
Bow, Dhanurasana. Dhanurasana is a Back Bend, so we're going to need to learn to create length in your spine which yoga is all about, always getting length in your spine, but lengthen your...
So extended child’s pose starts by sitting on your heels with your knees about the width of your yoga mat apart, which is about two and a half feet. And then you walk the hands forward, coming down...
Yoga To Lose Weight - Yoga For Weight Loss - With so many alternative yoga workouts accessible, it is tough to know which poses are the finest to do as a way to burn big energy. Some poses can help...
Lose Weight With Yoga - Lose Weight Yoga - With so many different yoga exercises available, it is hard to know which poses are the best to do with the intention to burn big calories. A few poses can...
From dog pose. Step your right leg foreword into a lunge pose then walk your left fingertips off to the side, you can even walk them off your mat. Now hug the mid line with the leg so again that means...