Weight watcher recipes

Hey internet! It's me, Summer. Um, if you haven't met me before, hello! I'm Summer! I live in Alaska! And I'm awesome. Um, if you have met me before, hello, again....
[ Closed-Captioned CC ] [Gene:] So we'll go into some limits... Does everyone know what "ten pounds or forty clams" means? [woman] - No. [Gene] I KNEW you didn't. I...
uh ... tonight was amazing, kitchen a la jas- unhappy that's it act act any redeeming great company wasn't too keen on the seating arrangement act contract products announced it did...
Hello friends! This is the Emma And Brian Show! I'm Emma. Well of course I am, you dumb bitch! Shut up! Shut up! How dare you say that! Well sorry Emma, but you should've said a better...