Alright so here's the deal: Basically, a thousand years ago, some dude in Italy got bored of plain old bread one day because, well, let's face it - plain old bread is boring. The dude...
Check this out, three hundred years, count them, three hundred years of kitchen collectibles. Now who would have thought, you have an old fork, you got a rolling pin, that's a collectible?...
Human-to-human spread of deadly E. coli detected in Germany. Officials on Friday, June 17, confirmed the first case of human-to-human spread of the deadly E. coli bacteria when it was found that an...
Hey guys! Today I thought I'd make a video about some common Japanese slang words used by young people in Japan. Now, obviously it'a not gonna make you sound fluent or anyhting like...
あれはペットのお墓。 長束寺ペット霊園 Junのペットのお墓ある? いや、まだ無いよ。 どうやってあそこに行くの? ここから回り込んで行くんだよ。 隔離されてると思った? だって道が見えなかったから。 冬まで待つ? 田んぼは冬には乾くの? 冬には乾くの、田んぼ? 道あるから大丈夫だよ。行ける行ける。 田んぼは雨水が張るまで待つの? あそこにね、水を引くところがある。...
My name is Jo O'Sullivan and I'm here to talk to you about the four types of dispute resolution processes A kitchen table agreement is where a couple literally sit around a table and...
This is the kitchen in my dormitory Here, I'm cooking soup now Let's see Whoo, soup! This is the stove This is my drawer Let's see These are my utencils.. Oh, I got Indomie...