Hi, I'm Dustin with MinuteHound. You probably found us because you were either looking for a time clock, some time cards or some type of time and attendance system. Well whatever the reason,...
Wife: Bin Laden was a sex machine (The last video footage of Bin Laden) The former chief of al-Qaeda was killed by U.S. Navy Seals last month. Many secrets about him have been revealed since then....
Hi, this is ResellerCluster – the leading reseller hosting program. In this video we are going to reveal more about the VPS Reseller option of our reseller hosting program. VPS hosting is the right...
Hi, world, it's ... Wednesday- I wanted to say Thursday! Blah! It's Wednesday. And I'm tired. I'm going home, it's 6 o'clock, and I've gotten...
Hi I'm Rachel Sales. I'm the co-founder and editor of Pink Pangea. Pink Pangea is the community for women travelers. One summer, I decided to book a ticket to the Ukraine in order to...
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Welcome! This is Bryna from Blackbaud. Today I’m going to show how to create an email template. Before you watch this video, I recommend reviewing the Email Process Overview video first. There are...
[MUSIC PLAYING] I joined the Air Force back in 1986. Several deployments, Operation Enduring Freedom, multiple operations across the globe. I retired and returned here to the Carolinas where I settled...



It started out as a Grand Experiment. USAA was founded on the unique concept of military brothers looking out for one another. When 25 Army officers met at San Antonio’s Gunter Hotel on June 20, 1922...