The landscape of the Navajo reservation in northern Arizona is both stunningly beautiful and remote. The residents have a passionate reverence for the land, which is removed from many conveniences of...
Most of the women in rural areas are illiterate and they do not have decision making power. Therefore, to make them aware regarding their situation and also to empower them, we implemented a...
When my insurance company denies a claim based on the services I receive from my doctor, that both my doctor and I agreed on are essential to my well being, they're saying "No, we...
bjbjVwVw Welcome back to another segment with the Chiropractic Source. I m Dr. Marco and today I m going to speak about the Four Functional Changes that could occur when we have decreased function in...



So it's really important when you're a busy individual and you want to have a healthy diet so schedule your health end. So many times people say to me "Brenda I'm just...
If we can select suitable people at Panchayat level and train them to learn basic planning skills, they may ultimately become competent planners at the grass root level. It is expected that since they...

