I hope you've enjoyed your session of Kundalini yoga today. And I hope that it's inspired you to delve a little deeper into this ancient technology which was brought here to us by Yogi...



Wide legged standing forward fold. Purpose: reduce stiffnes, tiredness and tension in the muscles and the back of your legs. At the same time the muscles of the back and the neck are stretched. Note:...
The next traveling move I'm going to show you is called the camel. For the camel, you want to make sure you are in the correct posture. We're going to add the upper undulation with the...
The supported side twist is a great way to realign your spine and to get rid of all those issues, the emotional issues that we carry out in our tissues. We store all our emotions in our spine and our...



When you're doing any yoga practice it?s really important to focus on your breath and come in to center breath and Jean's going to help me how to come in to the center breathing...
Another great relaxation pose to relieve tension in the spine is with elevated legs. Gina is going to demonstrate this without a wall at this point so she is just going to lay on these blankets. She...
Another great way to relieve the tension in your spine after a long day of work and to relieve the tension in your hips is through a Supported Bound Angular Banakanasan Pose. So I'm just going...



So now I'll be showing you Virabhadrasana 2, or Warrior 2, for seniors or those who have limited range of motion due to injury or illness. So using a chair to keep you nice and stable in this...
Hi, I'm April KirkHart with Work of Heart Yoga. And today my friend Katie Fernando and I will be demonstrating yoga for women who are in their third trimester of pregnancy and prenatal yoga....
You can energize yourself with a nice breath flow between warrior two and sun warrior. I'm going to have you come into 5 star. Nice wide gate. Feet nice apart. Extend the arms out lengthening,...