Hi, I'm Melina and welcome to Expert Village. Today we are going to make a beautiful mushroom and butterfly incense burner out of polymer clay. This next step we're going to bake our...
are back with any uh... all manifold gets it uh... this come out of the i'd say cities model deterrence maybe uh... mid-eighties uh... you get a yes well ang this is a metaphor the golf...
Wow. This thing's a board right here. This is the Salomon Burner, and you can burn through it with this board. I'm Matt Guff, this is The House Snowboard Shop. This is for that guy who...



I'm Adam and I was just skiing on the Nordica Burner. 5 out of 5, I absolutely love this ski. It makes a great ski for the intermediate who's going to spend most of their time on the...
Hello and welcome back again. Now I'd like to show you one of my favorite advanced techniques. This is something that you really don't want to do until you really can master this...
Do bodybuilders take fat burners? I’ve heard everything from of course they do to look that way to never because it ruins their workouts. Fat burners is a label for a variety of products. Which ones...
Hi it’s Steve from PartSelect. Today we are going to show you how to change the surface burner igniter on your range and it is a really easy job, all you are going to need is a Phillips screw driver...
bjbj Mike Chang: What's up Youtube! Mike Chang! I have got a workout for you today, 5 minutes, that s all it takes. So no excuses this time! If you don t have time to workout, you ve got 5...
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みなさん、こんにちは!! のヌプルです。 毎回見ていただき、ご意見・ご感想を送ってくれてどうもありがとう。 今日は水についての第2話をお送りします、 前回は私たちの身体に水がどれだけ大切な役割を果たしているかについて説明しましたが、今日は水の効果的な摂取方法についてお話します。 でもその前に、毎週のアップデートの閲覧ボタンをクリックし忘れないで下さいね!!...