he said trials as well six pack abs from shopping mall appreciate us flew overhead general medicine from tahoe like i have exo colorado eight oh wallace today is the real time our sir fuer sir fud sir...
Je m'appelle Solé Je vais lire un extrait de "Beloved" de Toni Morisson Je suis Beloved et elle est à moi Je la vois séparer les feuilles de leur feuilles Elle les met dans...
Subtitrare în premierã oferitã de FILELIST SUBTITLES TEAM Existã semne de schimbãri majore ale Planetei. Totul se întâmplã atât de repede. Existã golfuri care seacã, pe vremea mea nu au secat...
Nikdo nic podobného dosud neudělal. Nikdo nedokázal... S výškou více než 30 metrů se jedná o nejvyšší budovu západní Evropy... ...na protest proti plánům Shellu na těžbu ropy v Arktidě... Již dříve...
Stop the car! Pull up! - l was driving carefully. - Leave! Leave! Don`t lower your head, so it doesn`t go up your nose. And we were expecting you for breakfast. - Easy. - Dinner`s cold, have to heat...
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bjbj Mike Chang: What s up YouTube! Mike Chang! We re back, we re outside, I ve just got done working out, and I actually just did a cool cardio circuit, and I want to go ahead and show you all this...
Mike Chang: ¡Que tal amigos! Soy Mike Chang, de SixPack Shortcuts. Vamos a hacer un ejercicio que todos pueden hacer en casa. Hoy vamos a trabajar en nuestros bíceps y tríceps. Así que vamos a hacer...
Mike Chang: ¡Que tal amigos! Mike Chang, de SixPack Shortcuts. Hoy usaremos la toalla otra vez. La sesión de hoy va a ser de diez minutos. Lo que me gusta usar es un sitio web...
bjbj Mike Chang: Hey! What's up YouTube! Today, we are at the gym. We are going to be doing some legs. So we are going to be working on quads. We are going to be doing some barbell squats, we...