Coming back to your bunraku arm control, the next step in the process is to prepare the two tubed channels through which your Dacron string is going to run. That's the string that...
Today we have this great resale home built by Classic American Homes in 2010. This home high school area. It's currently a short sale and this is your opportunity to get in on a great house....
Intro - The Dead Rocks Bienvenue Changement de cap Histoire du rasage Le coupe-chou La shavette Le rasoir de sécurité Le rasoir à lames interchangeable Le rasoir électrique Rasage en condition...



How to Count on an Abacus. The abacus is an ancient calculating tool. Simple rules for counting on an abacus are described here. You will need An abacus and a flat surface. Step 1. Place the abacus on...
This video will show you how to place a hold on a library book. Sometimes when searching for a book in our library catalog, you may come across a book you want that is already checked out or is held...



I'm just doing what I know. I'm doing what you taught me. I never taught you to be a thief. No, you taught me to navigate people's minds. "Extractor" I can...



We're going to talk about different types of razor that you can buy or use at home. The first one we're going to talk about is the double edge razor. A double edge razor is going to...



And now I'm going to give you some tips on how to shave with a straight razor, how to hold a straight razor and what to look for in a straight razor when buying one. This is an injectable...



All right, we're going to talk to day about how to hone and strop a straight razor. Buying a straight razor a traditional straight razor, which is not an injectable blade you're going...



In this video we're going to demonstrate a post-shave. A post-shave is very, very important at the end of the shave. What we're going to do is, we're going to close it with a...

