(Music) By the spring of 1943, nearly 50,000 Americans had returned home from the Korean War in coffins. People at home continued to wonder how much longer they would have to endure this strange war...
Hi again. You know we looked onto a lot of different communities until we chose Solivita and they only have one thing in common. They all claim to have the lifestyle that we were looking for. Solivita...
I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message. "I'm going to reduce taxes." As Governor, Mitt Romney did cut taxes...on millionaires like himself. But he raised taxes...
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Today we have this great resale home built by Classic American Homes in 2010. This home high school area. It's currently a short sale and this is your opportunity to get in on a great house....
christmastime la festoj ĉi tiu estas la maniero sciigi al mi ĉi tie en ĉi lokon mensa malsanulejo oni nomas ĝin etendo kaj kiu estas nur i scias pri ĝi moteloj bonvolu tra eŭropo kaj forĵeti la...
MARGE PHELPS: Forget all the rest of the scripture. Just think logically. It's delusional. These people are delusional. It's like they're all mentally ill. You turned this...
[Mike Rogers, Senior Vice President, GreenHomes America speaking: ] So, you’re thinking about new windows, Replacement windows are great! There’s a whole host of benefits. Comfort’s a big one: if you...