My name is Jason Finn and I am the drummer for the Presidents of the United States of America, which is really an absurdly named band from the '90s. I'm in charge of all the drumming,...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0...
I love you back! I threw a wish in the well Don't ask me I'll never tell I looked to you as it fell And now you're in my way I trade my soul for a wish Pennies and dimes for a...
#wat is dis #im gonna cry #dont do dis #Just Read It #clever girl #Made It-Did It-Tried It #funny tweets #so clever #These are a few of our favourite things … #hot dudes at the olympics #katy perry gif #katy perry lyrics #you have seen their faces #popular song lyrics #funny hat #Reaction GIF #bby i love you #fave songs #because yes it just makes me laugh now :P #she looks soooooo goooooood sigh #she looked stunning in this song #one of my favorite songs #makes me cry #Gif Version #OMG! Can't tell how I love this song #she looks so pretty in this song #Sexy Back #so hot #they used to hate each other #love her so much #I had to test if I could still make gifs or not #dia mirza #diya mirza #live laugh love #Matty Trump #j cole gif #by me #he is so cute #politics image of the day #Things That Make Me Think of You #keep coming back to you #didnt feel like putting detail in dress #what am i doing with my life #gonna pop some tags #Country Singer #United States v. Lee #political cartoon #she's so gorgeous i want to diiiie #sexy style #love is in the air #crazyfridaynight #myfavoriteartist #young but very sexy| #lovemykids #love what you do #i wanna see batman #sevenfigurewomam #yourreactiongifs #The Amazing Obamas #lip service #love me true #Cover VS Cover #Never Made Love #tee public #what am i doing #do i like crazy i think i do #Born In The U.S.A. #who's that pokemon #Made My Day #Um..There&039;s no what #i just noticed it there #cantwaittoshowyou #tie me up #All Things Obama #my gif #Funny HA-HA #as you like it #hannah baker #Love Sayings #crazy about you #Made In the USA #stylemepretty #iseeyoubaby #prefectwhitetee #womenrockthemtoo #loool #swag sexy rapper style #style crazy #go get it #Veterinary Stuff Animal Info #so much love #i hope he kills you #F inspiration for spring 2014 #Me & My Style #takemebackrightnow #get your sexy back #sort of #lyricsoverswag #The Blog By MEE #Har de Har Har #I hope you guys like them #getfitbetrue #swag life #swag blog #Obama Style #LK edits #gif tristeza #imagenes tristes #awesome things to know #Obama's #Funny politicals D #I am just so happy to be there #If you didn't know how awkward I was #i just #now I am recommending it #My Garden Pictures #Hmmm Wow #love these so much #skull shirt #rock style #song of style #I am so funny right #im dyingg #Barak Obama #God&039;s Word #haha jokes #Yes I am a girl, yes I LOVE sports #rippedjeans #dis for u #someone love me #into me #help us please #everything girls love #blackstylebloggers #June is my month #i just really like this #shake it for me #tie clips #I love the USA #im funny #the fantastic mr fox #find your life&039;s purpose #made in usa #baby style #lovemyfollowers #chicago photographer #sf public art #thanks loves #Foto&039;s #Call it SPRING #imjusthopeful #wow you're hot #Contents My Kids Love d #hello my name is juste #raection gif #doesthislookblurrytoyou #very deer to me #My style - more serious and funny things 1 #stevechol #a way of u showing me love #coldrock #where did our love go #Music Enthusiasts #miss him so much #unitedstatesofamerica #the united states of america #Watch It #mixologist #check shirt #nflfanpass #headsofstate #Makes ya wanna Hmmm or LOL #St James&039;s Park #dead prez #but they are sooo good looking #summer rae #just so cute! #getfitordietrying #canta #barack obama vs mitt romney #Mitt Romney out of touch #Channel&039;s #this is crazy #The President #presidente #presidentobama #canttouchthis #he has them looking so MAD #politics stuff #so I brought a whole bunch of my mini toys #dubbed #Just Make It #garden of laughs #met you #i just found it #memes internet funnies #awesomereading #Humor Me. #CA-125 #best singer #black and white gif #dis my pic B) #younglifetruevoices #why me #keyrack #Those Beautiful Obamas #U.S. Presidents #this is us #maybe i am #if you cant tell #awesomeshot #ihopehelikesit #Just Stuff I Like #News Mash #Better Work Indonesia #talking to my dad #Garden Loves #you gave up #maybe #president of the united states #lovethatplace #get to know me meme #everyone enjoy watching this without me #hot black actors #pokemon x version #ahahahahah #ben and me blog #i knew this day would come #My Style is Me #lacallefoto #funny pictures lol #hahahHAHAHAHA #hot toys news #Just too cute #200 followers #i am very glad i backed #I made a thing! #i also want the 8 bit hearts one #shoutoutfriday #did i make a second version of a gif i already pos #you're no good to me dead #go me! #I love this place #...maybe #James O. Born #Classic Rap #barock #Make Me Pretty #Just wait #this picture means everything to me #these jokes never get old #realrap #Barack #they're pretty cool #nba gif #mchammer #dont touch me im crying #come me #barracks #itscomingtogether #malkingmecrazy #Because Debate is my sport #Pure Politics #helookssohappy #lmaoooo #me and you #iloveyounay #US politicians #if only yhere was someone out there who loved you #if only there was someone out there who loved you #tw: ed #fantasticfantfemales #im laughing so hard #بي دي اف #friday_favorite #I love days like this #head of state #Michelle Obama gif #Fisrt Lady gif #mr.president #she's so cute i cant #News & Politics #Nonprofits & Activism



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