bjbjLULU JEFFREY BROWN: Next, Margaret Warner continues her reporting from post-revolutionary Egypt. Tonight -- tonight, she talks with political activists trying to find their way in an uncertain...
ק: "יוחנן לענאַן און פאולוס מאַקאַרטני, וואָס טאָן איר טראַכטן איז דער איין איין זאַך וואָס רובֿ קאַנטריביוטיד צו דיין פענאָמענאַל, אַנפּרעסידענטיד הצלחה די פאַרגאַנגענהייַט אַכט אָדער נייַן...
[silence] ANONYMOUS UK PROTEST ACTA FEB 11th 2012. BRITISH MUSIC HOUSE 2pm/ Recently, most of the EU, Asia and the US has signed a threatening treaty, ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement). This...
This is the problem that Lehigh Technologies is trying to solve. I think everybody in this room has been exposed at one time or another to one of the issues that’s shown on this slide. And I think...
How many times has this happened to you? You go to pick up your laptop to compose an email and you look at the screen and you discover yuck - that's gross. N never, ever use glass cleaners,...
"I think a coach has not to comment on the president's words. I don't have to ignore it, I don't do that, but I should think about it. I should analyse it, but i...

