He’s not the stereotype, football player who’s well liked And a Homecoming King, we all wanted to win!! God's faith close to his heart, And a young girl who’s been a part for three long...
Distant waterfall view by TravelPod member directgb Donkeys being led in early morning. by TravelPod member directgb Lively market by TravelPod member directgb Mountain scene 1 by TravelPod member...
My name is Bob Quick, I'm the President / CEO of Commerce Lexington and I'm glad to be your Master of Ceremonies here this morning. First of all I'd like to welcome all of you...
This commute that we are now taking is one that I've been taking for the past fifty years to the hospital. I was born in Chicago, Illinois in November, 1923, which now makes me 87 years of...
it seems rational enough to say that we live in the physical world here's all of us... we're walking around in this physical world here right? but you see that is a conventional point...
Listen, if you can run a mile, run a race. You know what? Run a marathon. Outrun a movie star. If you can ride a bike, ride that thing. Ride a bull. Ride a tougher bull. Let's watch this......
Hey Bart Miller here with Cycling strong 2013 Interbike and we're walking around we found an amazing booth for all you ladies out there I'm with Brook from Moxie she's got an...
we've all seen these pictures in magazines, on the internet, everywhere of people going from a certain physique either fat or really skinny to a very muscular physique. Most of the time it’s...