- Dad, I think there’s a fish crisis in the sea because of too much sardines. -If ever there’s one, it’s your fault because you eat a lot! -Twelve years have passed when the sea was gone. The world...
Ma im going to library ok son, dont forget to buy milk when you come back. where are you going? Naveen, where are you going? Didnt you hear what i said? hey mate, bye hey, Isn't there an exam...
(Various voices) Chennai has so much traffic Atleast we have space left in this park Sundar..havent seen you for long. First wear your glasses (spectacles) Mummy...I want the balloon Sundar will you...
Listen, if you can run a mile, run a race. You know what? Run a marathon. Outrun a movie star. If you can ride a bike, ride that thing. Ride a bull. Ride a tougher bull. Let's watch this......
#Just Read It #nike air #nike sneakers #nike shoes #little things #what to make inspirations #14 Day Music Challenge #big things #little things are big things #do anything for you #go for it! #Bradley Cooper #fcblive #workout inspiration #ad campaign #publicity shot #future of film #try something new #andar de bike #andar de bicicleta #do i like crazy i think i do #people will beat him up #not one more #aviationeverything #flyknit #always be stronger #Peça #lebron #Heat Guy J #wanna go on a date #greatthingsstudios #Har de Har Har #thefrenchdoitbetter #i wonder if i can make this a thing #we'll see #marathonracing #logo inspiration #the sneaker studio #ariana grande inspired #my ariana style outfits #imagining future in the past #just run #trainharderthanme #Sam Williams #writeanywhere #30 Day Music Challenge #just things #gonna be great #go sport #coolpics #Endless Summer #Perfect Spots In A Not So Perfect World #cool shoes #neon shoes #neon sneakers #Inspiring Men #nathansykes #My style - more serious and funny things 1 #they should not be doing this #NYC DOT #100 logo challenge #and this was the best I could do #racing photography #ijustwanttolive #just why #live in the present #Watch It #greatest band ever #I CAN GO ON #LBJ #but they are sooo good looking #pique #nikeplus #nikefuel #nikefuelfriends #nikerun #nikebasketball #youvsyou #niketraining #lamarathon #nikewomen #findgreatness #best of film 2013 #image only weekend #a little market #coolshoes #motivationalmonday #needtonamethelittleguy #I think about you alot #do good work here #whosgotitbetterthanus #adidasfootball #things to look at #goodluck #ijustlikeshoes #thelittlethingsman #advertsing #i just found it #nike dunk #best tv shows of 2013 #the little guy #Run That By Me One More Time #15thingswedotogether #Just Stuff I Like #Movie Mania #dowhatyoufeel #Inspirational and Motivational #ifyouaretheone #rugby racing and beer #Can Do #returnifpossible #all you can feel #what film do you use #whole life challenge #this is what we do in school. #All We Can Really Do #itjustgotreal #el james #see it all #do something #Stuff Fly People Like #Coopers #Qwear Submissions #films i want to see #vango #twerksong #25th anniversary #I got this on my locker #Just Cool Stuff #it's stronger than me!!!! #second year film #JUST DO GOOD #Christmas Ideas for 2013 #Pub #woman's road racing #60 second workout #5yearsgoingstrong #i did a thing #houseofwonderland #25 years #FuelBand #awesome presents #all day i dream about shoes #nike basketball #nike plus #nike id #nike sportswear #fall winter 2013



North Korea is sometimes called the land of whispers; people don't say things out in the open. They generally whisper to each other and then quickly walk away! It's one of the most...



Get lost bitch, let me drink in peace. Why the hell did you beat him up? He cannot even do a simple job properly... Screws up every bloody job... You have given birth to an idiot. Is he your servant?...
"Why did you came back?" "Stop following me.." "Im Sorry." "Stop ruining my life!" "CUT!" "(Sister)...
Are you sure you want to know? Yes. Can you help me find out? Folks, today is the day, time to get there and finally find the person you were meant for. Remember, there's a compatible match...
how's the buzz going? sorry Teju, it's already been an hour since I started I'll reach in 3 hours. there was an unexpected Photoshoot yesterday... and I had to go. anyway...