Hi, how's it going? I hope you can understand me You have to turn on the subtitles~ um, ~ Yeah, it's been really wierd on YouTube The dates which is says my videos were uploaded were...
Only the finest and best flowers are handpicked at large plantations. Flowers that do not reach our high level of quality are easily discarded. The finest flowers are brought into the factory, so that...
Our Father, which art in heaven, பரமண்டலங்களிலிருக்கிற எங்கள் பிதாவே, Hallowed be thy name. உம்முடைய நாமம் பரிசுத்தப்படுவதாக. Thy kingdom come, உம்முடைய ராஜ்யம் வருவதாக; Thy will be done, On earth as...
According to a recent opinion poll, many Muslims say that the way for the west to have better relations with Islam is to show it more respect. And who said Muslims don't have a sense of...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf510 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red38\green38\blue38;\red244\green244\blue244;}...
This woman exchanged her name for a pig as part of a program created by the Danish artist Kristian Hornsleth. He has offered a pig to any resident of the Ugandan village of Buteyongera who agrees to...
Welcome to the Learn Special Effects Makeup. In todays lesson, you will lean how to make an open wound using Sculpt Gel. If you like to video, and would like more, you can check out our webpage...
- The great icon is about to turn 40! - The Opera House is turning 40. - This begins a week of celebrations. - ..40th anniversary... - The Opera House has turned 40 and what better way to celebrate...
This message is brought to you by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. [MUSIC] As part of its tobacco regulation efforts, the FDA Center for Tobacco Products recently launched a new program to...