all right hey guys walking lunges want to go ahead and give you a demonstration allright you can have your hands on your head, that's kind of the military style you can have your hands on your...
How to Stretch Your Wrists. This stretch is excellent for musicians and those who plug away at their computers on a regular basis—it will keep your wrists from getting stiff. You will need and...
I'm going to walk you guys through a beginner's parallel bar routine. So when you're doing any routine you need a mount, some skills in the middle, and a dismount. Yuri was a...
I'm going to show you guys three basic skills on the parallel bars. The parallel bars is one of six men's events and it consists of two parallel bars. The most basic skill being an...



Excess Abdominal Fat Is Dangerous There are two types of fat that you have in your abdominal area. The first type that covers up your abs from being visible is called subcutaneous fat and lies...
What do you get when you mix one of the most fundamental bodyweight movements and requirements with time? You get the simplest bodyweight exercise that you can do. Let's see if you can hang...
Walking lunges. Stand tall with your shoulders back and down and your stomach muscles engaged. Your hands can be flat at your sides, on your hips or behind your head. Step forward with your right...
On lake Jarun near Aquarius second Croatian Street Workout championship is taking place on saturday. Street workout has three basic characteristics. Its free, highly efficient for the whole bodies...
[ Music ] >> I'm Jillian Michaels and this is Killer Buns and Thighs. I'm talking about buns so rock-hard that you could bounce a quarter off of them. And thighs so lean...